Art Informant
Art Informant
Cities of Ottoman Bosnia with Vincent Thérouin
In this episode, Isabelle Imbert welcomes Vincent Thérouin, PhD candidate in Islamic archaeology in the university of Paris Sorbonne. Vincent works on a little-known topic: Ottoman Bosnia between the 15th and 17th centuries, and more particularly on the urbanisation of the region and the development of cities such as Sarajevo. In the episode, he talks about the process of founding cities, the Ottoman architecture of Sarajevo, but also the primary sources available to archaeologists to understand the urban network and how he uses this documentation in digital visualization tools to understand the evolution of the region.
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Mentioned in the Episode and Further Links
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- Follow Vincent on Academia and LinkedIn
- Cadastral map of Sarajevo at the end of the Ottoman period
- Bibliographic references:
- Aličić, Ahmed S. Sumarni popis Sandžaka Bosna iz 1468-69. godine. Mostar: Islamski kulturni centar Mostar, 2008.
- Gazić, Lejla, ed. Vakufname iz Bosne i Hercegovine (XV i XVI vijek). Monumenta Turcica historiam slavorum meridionalium illustrantia. Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu, 1985.
- Handžić, Adem, éd. Opširni popis bosanskog Sandžaka iz 1604. godine. 3 vol. Monumenta Turcica historiam Slavorum Meridionalium illustrantia. Serija 2. Defteri. Zürich, Sarajevo: Bošnjački institut Zürich - Odjel Sarajevo, Orijentalni institut, 2000.
- Šabanović, Hazim. Bosanski pašaluk: postanak i upravna podjela. Nauc̆no drus̆tvo NR Bosne i Hercegovine. Djela 14. Sarajevo: Oslobodenje, 1959.
- Šabanović, Hazim. Krajište Isa-bega Ishakovića - zbirni katastarski popis iz 1455 godine. Uvod, turski tekst, prevod i komentari. Orijentalni Institut Sarajevo. Monumenta Turcica historiam Slavorum meridionalium illustrantia. Sarajevo, 1964.
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