Art Informant

Opening of Azca Auctions with Beatrice Campi and Tomas Aznar

Isabelle Imbert Season 1 Episode 38

In today’s episode, we are getting the behind the scenes of an auction house opening with Beatrice Campi and Tomas Jose Aznar Gonzales, founders and directors of Aznar auction, a brand new auction house opened in 2024 and dedicated to Arts of the World, Luxury and Lifestyle, as well as Wines and Spirits. Beatrice is specialised in Indian and Islamic art, and the first ever returning guest on this podcast. Tomas is a watch specialist and watch maker, and together, they talk about the end to end process of opening an auction house, from administration to securing investment and creating their first sale. The episode gives a very rare view behind the veil of a notoriously opaque industry.  

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Mentioned in the Episode and Further Links

Click here to see the reproductions of artefacts discussed in the episode.