Art Informant

ART Informant x Art Illuminated podcast with Esra Alhamal

Isabelle Imbert Season 1 Episode 19

 In this episode, Isabelle Imbert welcomes Dr Esra Alhamal, doctor in design and visual artist specialised in Islamic illumination. Esra has been researching and creating biomorphic patterns for many years, as well as teaching the art of illumination in London and creating her own paint with natural pigment from a Medieval recipe. In the episode, we talk about her artistic practice, as well as her research on Safavid biomorphic pattern in architectural ceramic. She is also a fellow host of the Art Illuminated podcast, in which she interviews artists and makers working with traditional techniques.

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Mentioned in the Episode and Further Links 

 Click here to see the reproductions of artefacts discussed in the episode.